Monday, October 17, 2011


Well it has been a while but here it is - the catch up. If you keep everything crossed and pray very hard then it looks like the deposit for the house here in Nairobi will be in today so hopefully by about April next year the house will be 'Signed, sealed, delivered, and Theirs'! We can but hope. Supposed to be paying for flat here tomorrow, David has extension for job looks like until February so we may make it through. Life is full of surprises at the moment!
Anyway onto things crafty! Oh my gosh put Donna and Bryans quilt together and took it to the wonderful Deanna who agreed to do the quilting - got it back Saturday and it looks gorgeous so can give quick peek but not much as it is their - what will be belated! - Christmas present!
Also been trying to do a bit more painting - tried a woodland snow scene and was going well until very end when had to spray with water to take out sunlight - disaster!!!! So will try again and let you know! Did do a cherry blossom sort of tree - hmmmm! 

Hm - yep still needs some work! 

Made a birthday card for our god daughter Nandi - how did she get to 16 already!!

Then realised that as we are not going over before christmas needed to start making christmas cards so looked online for inspiration, got side tracked - as is my wont! - and saw this brilliant youtube video about how to make snowflakes - it is an inspiration and so easy it is embarassing! Have a look! Here is one I made earlier!
Looks intricate but you just make 5 separate pieces - incredible!!!
Had a bit of a melt down yesterday worrying about everything but do not know why I am not more trusting that things will work out as we have always been so lucky and things have fallen into place. Think it might be my control freak nature! However, very blessed with amazing friends and family who take time to listen then tell me like it is! Thanks to one and all. Until the next time xxx

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