Sunday, June 3, 2012


 AAh 'tis a wonderful life! Have spent the past week at house at Vipingo with our god daughters and their parents, Justin and Morag - a magnificent spot on a beach with a marine park and amazing snorkelling, no beach boys - perfect! Also we have found the perfect house there - shame the price isn't as perfect!!!

View from the patio of the house we stayed in - not bad!

The girls practising their diving

Tara the youngest, looking gorgeous

View from house down to beach

THen we went onto Mnarani club at Kilifi where we are now, using the voucher that the Fairseat residents kindly gave us... did a dhow trip down the creek

View from beach at hotel

Captain Ahab ... tring to prevent the dhow from keeling over!

Today we are off to Kilifi Boatyard with friends as they are having a flotilla sail past in honour of Diamond Jubilee and big screen to watch the celebrations in London - along of course with scampi and chips!!! Off to friends in Watamu tomorrow for 2 days then back to blighty - so much to do beofre we fly out to Uk on 16th!!! xx Can't wait!