Tuesday, July 31, 2012


 Ah all is right with the world! I am at last back where I should be - Shetland! The best place that was ever created - well, pretty good anyway! But to backtrack, have spent last 5 weeks or so down in Devon looking at houses - not as much fun as you would think after a while! - but some promising things. David, the poor man, is beavering away at the Olympics and they obviously are very disorganised but hopefully he will be back in the main stadium tomorrow and that should be better. The first few days here did some lovely walking and sat watching a family of merlins and also sighted a minky whale. Then later walked down to the beach and up round the cliffs, looking out to the island of Foula and to Fairisle. How did I get so lucky. I have been pretty much sitting outside in the blazing sunshine the last few days, spinning away to my hearts content - see, I told you I was very easy to please really! Happy as a sand girl!!! However, just cos I am enjoying it doesn't mean that I am good at it so tomorrow going down to the South Mainland to get an hours tuition in spinning evenly and plying, and then the second hour I am going to learn to knit fairisle properly with the two threads over the two different fingers!!!! Oh yes, life is one long challenge after another. Here are some insights into my little world.

Sitting outside cottage I am staying in in place called Watsness

View from where I am sitting spinning
Artsy fartsy of first wool that I have done from washing fleece, carding, spinning and plying - love it!

Taught myself to Navajo ply with the wonderful Zwarbles fleece I got
Anuver view

Got roving made from pure Shetland wool just up the road, spun it and then this is it after Navajo plying - going to be brilliant for the weaving I want to do
Did you get that I LUUUUVVV that view!!
There you have it - my wonderful world of wool. Shetland is a very magical place - to go all poetic an that, it makes my heart sing! If only David were here too it would be perfect - though as he doesn't really feel the same way about Shetland maybe he is happier where he is!!
Hope you are having as much fun as I am x

Sunday, June 3, 2012


 AAh 'tis a wonderful life! Have spent the past week at house at Vipingo with our god daughters and their parents, Justin and Morag - a magnificent spot on a beach with a marine park and amazing snorkelling, no beach boys - perfect! Also we have found the perfect house there - shame the price isn't as perfect!!!

View from the patio of the house we stayed in - not bad!

The girls practising their diving

Tara the youngest, looking gorgeous

View from house down to beach

THen we went onto Mnarani club at Kilifi where we are now, using the voucher that the Fairseat residents kindly gave us... did a dhow trip down the creek

View from beach at hotel

Captain Ahab ... tring to prevent the dhow from keeling over!

Today we are off to Kilifi Boatyard with friends as they are having a flotilla sail past in honour of Diamond Jubilee and big screen to watch the celebrations in London - along of course with scampi and chips!!! Off to friends in Watamu tomorrow for 2 days then back to blighty - so much to do beofre we fly out to Uk on 16th!!! xx Can't wait!

Sunday, May 13, 2012


Seem to have been very busy socialising - comes from living with Mr Sociable but it is good for me! Got so many ideas swimming round my head wouldn't leave the house if it wasn't for him! Was one of our godchildrens' 12th birthday yesterday - grief the teenage years are something else! Forgotten all the angst that went with that freedom!!! But as always we had a nice relaxing evening.
David busy visiting people today so got down to sorting out some more stuff. Finished the green cushion at last and the napkins - going to try to sell them in groups of 4 - see what you think.
Back of green cushion. Knitted the buttons and crocheted the loops for them

Close up of buttons on back

Front of cushion - crocheted edging - think it is better this way?

CLose up of knitted front

Napkin rings - actually really like these - what do you reckon?

Napkin ring in use!
So that is it for today. Got Dee coming tomorrow and we are supposed to be painting but might craft - see how we feel. Rains still upon us but might go to pool in morning. x

Friday, May 4, 2012


Our friend Kieren was in town for his r'n'r and, being stationed in the middle of the desert he wanted to see sea, so we got a great deal on Lamu House in Lamu so went for a few days and had a great time - eating loads of great seafood, swimming in the sea, sailing on the dhow, etc etc. Tough life! Here's a few pics....
View from our bedrooms balcony

On the dhow

Pool in the courtyard of the hotel

Dining area overlooking the sea

Mr Gorgeous

Our feast on the last night - lobster and jumbo prawns...sigh!
Okay before you hate me too much I did spend the second day in bed with a horrendous migraine which made me continually throw up, so bad in fact that we had to call the doc as my tablets did not work and although he did not have pethidine he did have tramadol which at least took away the pounding although the migraine did not go until about 2am the following morning!!!!

Okay since we got back been busy but have managed to find some time to make a few things. Still trying out designs and made one which is so bad will not show you it but the other two are okay - the cloth one I really like.
Back of knitted cover - desing extends down to one side of opening and have added fringing on the other side

Front of cushion - love the design on this one

Love this - cushion is made of natural hessian and white material is calico. Also made rosettes from calico and stuck on with glue gun

Back of the hessian calico cushion - more calico rosettes

Not sure if the knitted ones are working - should I make the whole front in knitting rather than just a panel? What do you think?
Anyway thats what I have been doing. Made some different flowers from hessian today so will put them on blog soon and also trying placemats but need to see if they can be washed first!!! 
Add caption
Oh my gosh almost forgot! If you have not seen Donna's amazing blog you must go look! She is soooooooo talented!  and great title!!! - dizzydeetour.blogspot.com

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Just got back from lovely few days away at cabin and then at Kembu and the lovely Nightingale family to replenish wool stocks and collect our little furry friend below - actually not so little as she stands 4ft tall!!!

Making herself at home

Deep in thought
ALso knitted a cushion cover when away and yesterday managed to complete this teacosy - quite like it.

CLose up

That's about it. Kieren flew in from Somaliland yesterday so going to spend a few days r'n'r with him which will be great - going off to club tomorrow do swim / gym then breakfast - one negating the other but not sure which!!!  Rains are here which is great but as little dog is petrified of storms it is a little challenging! Have a good one xxxx

Thursday, April 12, 2012

All things Rosy!

Had lovely day catching up with friends from school, Harriet and spending time with my lovely hubby. Been trying different ideas for rosettes - here are the results - what do you think?

Here they all are together

Really like this one - doubled it over before slip stitching it

Put the 2 materials together

Knitted ruffle twisted round - this is a BIG one!

Just the calico 

Calico with kitenge flower in middle
Well that's it! We are off to our godchildrens out in Karen tomorrow afternoon to make Easter bonnets - all ideas welcome! Not something I have any idea about! Wish us luck. x

ps Changed that pillow I didn't like - think this is much better x